The TED Community Experiment on Intercultural Coordination presentation

Here's a video presentation with a concise explanation of the theory behind the TED Community Experiment, as well as with some preliminary hints about possible interpretations of its results.

Thank you very much to all who participated. Please remember that your thoughts, questions and ideas are more than welcome - you can post them here as comments or you can send me an email to

(For those of you interested in experimental game theory, I will soon be posting a working paper with a technical description of the research design and the statistical tests.)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Pablo, interesting results. Most of my answers were the same as the most frequent answers. The one I don't quite understand is the question with the 4x4 grid. I would have thought that the top left box would be the most obvious (or maybe the top right if you are an Arabic speaker), but it seems that it wasn't the case.

